Monday, December 12, 2016

For the Love of Mexican Food

We love Mexican food!  One of our biggest concerns when we moved from Arizona to Oregon was finding really good Mexican food.  Surprisingly, Grants Pass Oregon is home to some very good Mexican restaurants.  You know the kind....small, family owned places with homemade salsa and fresh tortillas, not to mention great food!  For our Grants Pass friends, Casa Amiga, El Molcajete, and Lupita's are our favorites.  We also cook Mexican food.  Enchiladas, Chicken Tortilla soup, Chili Rellenos, asada.  See Sam's recipe for Chicken Tortilla soup!

So yes, we enjoy Mexican food, but let us say, since we decided to winter in Mexico, all we seem to want to eat is Mexican food!!  Whether it's tacos, tortilla soup, camerones, asada, enchiladas, burritos, or good 'ole Americanized nachos, we can't seem to get enough!!  It's gotten so bad that we commited to each other not to eat any more Mexican food until we get there, after all we're likely going to be primarily eating Mexican food for the next couple months!  So Sam made Chicken Marsala tonight instead of the Mexicano Chicken (basically chicken stuffed with chili rellenos) she really wanted!  Some kind of pork chop (TBD) is on the menu for tomorrow; hmmm, maybe cooked with chili peppers in salsa!

Ok, we did agree to have one more batch of tortilla soup and one more visit to El Molcajete before we go and that's it until Mexico!  Oops, we're staying  in Phoenix for a bit and we can't possibly go there without stopping at one of our favorite Mexican restaurants!  Watch we'll start craving pizza and pasta when we get to Mexico!!!  Lucky for us, Mexico does have more than just Mexican food, in fact we hear Lo De Marcos has a damn good pizzeria!

Happy trails and positive vibes!

Bill & Sam

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